We Are Here To Serve

Providing naturalization application services on an on-going  basis since 1987. 

Our Mission

Accredited & Recognized by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services since 1992. 

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Targeting at-risk-youth ages 13-18 with the ultimate goal to empower the youth with increased self-esteem and life skills.

At El Concilio Family Services we are working to create hope and the opportunity for a better world.

But we can only do it with your help. Join with us in our mission and donate now. 

Making an impact
on the lives we touch

We are a non-profit community service organization whose primary mission is to provide assistance to the underserved community.    

The majority of our clients are low-income agricultural workers and the well being of their families is vital to a stable agricultural industry. 

El Concilio is the Service Center for the rural low-income limited or non-English speaking community. We transition low income families by providing services that integrate them into the community to assist them in becoming self sufficient, engaged and greater contributors to our community.

  • Since 2000  El Concilio has processed  10,583 to become New Citizens.

  • In the last 8 years  El Concilio has  provided 147,672 client contacts. 

  • El Concilio has provided over 1200 youth with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival petitions. 

  • In 2016 El Concilio provided 19,599 in direct client contact assistance.

Serving the community since 1975

help by donating today